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Jawaban dari "Simple past tense at the time, other smaller hotels also..... (get) a share of the profit"

Apa kamu banyak dikasih soal oleh sekolah? Tetapi kamu kebingungan untuk mengerjakannya? Sebetulnya ada banyak cara untuk mengerjakan tugas tsb, termasuk dengan cara bertanya pada orang tua, disamping itu menemukan cara menjawab di internet dapat jadi cara jitu sekarang ini. Kami mempunyai 1 cara mengerjakan mengenai Simple past tense at the time, other smaller hotels also..... (get) a share of the profit . Silakan lihat cara mengerjakan lebih lanjut di bawah ini: Simple Past Tense at The Time, Other Smaller Hotels Also..... (get) A Share Of The Profit Jawaban: #1: Jawaban: got Penjelasan: simple past tense Private island villa with infinity pool in seychelles. Villa seychelles private pool Nah itulah cara menjawab tentang soal di atas, semoga dapat bermanfaat!

Jawaban dari "Yogyakarta is a tropical city. There are lots of palm trees and other tropical fruit trees. There ar..."

Bila kamu lagi mencari cara menyelesaikan atas pertanyaan Yogyakarta is a tropical city. There are lots of palm trees and other tropical fruit trees. There ar..., maka sobat sudah ada di web yang tepat.

Kami punya 1 jawaban atas Yogyakarta is a tropical city. There are lots of palm trees and other tropical fruit trees. There ar.... OK langsung saja baca cara mengerjakan selanjutnya disini:

Yogyakarta Is A Tropical City. There Are Lots Of Palm Trees And Other Tropical Fruit Trees. There Are Also
beautiful Beaches, Such As Parangtritis, Kraka., Kukup, Glagah. It Is Not Difficult To Get Around The City At The
day Because Taxis And Buses Are Easily Found.
1. What Is The Text About?
2. How Many Beaches In The Yogyakarta, And Mention It!​

Jawaban: #1:


1.the text is about the tropical city of Yogyakarta.

2.there are four beaches such as Parangtritis, kraka, Kukup, and Glagah.

semoga bermanfaat (•‿•)

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