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Jawaban dari "Simple past tense at the time, other smaller hotels also..... (get) a share of the profit"

Apa kamu banyak dikasih soal oleh sekolah? Tetapi kamu kebingungan untuk mengerjakannya? Sebetulnya ada banyak cara untuk mengerjakan tugas tsb, termasuk dengan cara bertanya pada orang tua, disamping itu menemukan cara menjawab di internet dapat jadi cara jitu sekarang ini. Kami mempunyai 1 cara mengerjakan mengenai Simple past tense at the time, other smaller hotels also..... (get) a share of the profit . Silakan lihat cara mengerjakan lebih lanjut di bawah ini: Simple Past Tense at The Time, Other Smaller Hotels Also..... (get) A Share Of The Profit Jawaban: #1: Jawaban: got Penjelasan: simple past tense Private island villa with infinity pool in seychelles. Villa seychelles private pool Nah itulah cara menjawab tentang soal di atas, semoga dapat bermanfaat!

Jawaban dari "change these sentences into participle clauses 1.The man who is falling from the building is the pho..."

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Kami mempunyai 1 cara mengerjakan dari change these sentences into participle clauses 1.The man who is falling from the building is the pho.... Monggo lihat cara menjawab lebih lanjut di bawah:

Change These Sentences Into Participle Clauses

1.The Man Who Is Falling From The Building Is The Photographer,Li Wei
2.The City Which Stretches Into Distance Is Beijing

Jawaban: #1: Subject : English
Category : Participle Clause
Level : SHS

A participle clause is a type of adverbial clause that is used to make a sentence more economical. A participle clause is can be used when the subject of the participle and the verb in the main clause is the same.

1. The man falling from the building is the photographer,Li Wei.
2. The city stretched into distance is Beijing. Wolves 'agree deal' to sign Manchester City's Oleksandr Zinchenko

Zinchenko oleksandr wolves. Wolves 'agree deal' to sign manchester city's oleksandr zinchenko

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