Jawaban dari "pertanyaan di atas keterangan nya : Complete the sentences with a lot of and one of the following wo..."

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Web ini ada 2 cara menjawab dari pertanyaan di atas keterangan nya : Complete the sentences with a lot of and one of the following wo.... OK langsung saja lihat cara menyelesaikan selanjutnya disini:

Pertanyaan Di Atas
keterangan Nya :
Complete The Sentences With A Lot Of And One Of The Following Words.

1. Food
2. Accidents

mohon Bantuannya...​

Jawaban: #1:


  1. a lot of Animals
  2. many accidents
  3. many beaches
  4. some food
  5. so much fuel
Jawaban: #2:


1. Tourists enjoy their visit to this zoo. It has a lot of animals.

2. The road is very dangerous. There are a lot of accidents.

3. Indonesia is very beautiful. It has a lot of beaches.

4. Those people are very hungry. They need a lot of food.

5. The tank is full. It has a lot of fuel.


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