Jawaban dari "Hasan is a footballer. He can play football very well. He ....... plays footbal in the morning. In t..."

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Kami punya 2 jawaban dari Hasan is a footballer. He can play football very well. He ....... plays footbal in the morning. In t.... OK langsung saja pelajari cara menjawab selengkapnya di bawah ini:

Hasan Is A Footballer. He Can Play Football Very Well. He ....... Plays Footbal In The Morning. In The Afternoon He ....... Studies. He ........ Watches TV, But He ........ Goes To The Cinema.


tolong Dijawab Ya Kak

Jawaban: #1:


Hasan is a footballer. He can play football very well. He *always* plays footbal in the morning. In the afternoon he *usually* studies. He *never* watches TV, but he *sometimes* goes to the cinema.

Jawaban: #2:


Hasan is a footballer. He can play football very well. He always plays footbal in the morning. In the afternoon he usually studies. He never watches TV, but he sometimes goes to the cinema.

MANCHESTER, ENGLAND - MAY 06: Oleksandr Zinchenko of Manchester City

Manchester, england. Zinchenko oleksandr

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