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Whe Does Autumn Start?explain What Happens In Autumn

Jawaban: #1:

Jawaban: Autumn is one of four seasons in temperate climates, and is a period of transition from summer to winter.

In the temperate zone of the earth, autumn is the harvest season for plants that are planted or bloom in the spring, and deciduous trees shed their leaves (hence the name fall or fall). Autumn usually starts after the equinox with the movement of the sun leaving the zone. The length of the day is getting shorter and the temperature starts dropping. This season is also marked by increasing precipitation.

In the northern hemisphere, the calendar / astronomical fall lasts from September 23 (equinox to the south) to December 21, while in the southern hemisphere autumn begins March 21 (equinox to the north) and ends June 21. From a meteorological point of view, autumn starts on September 1 and ends November 30 for the northern hemisphere, while for the southern hemisphere it starts March 1 and ends May 31. Other calendar systems have different initial criteria, for example the Irish calendar, which follows the Celtic cycle, counts the months August, September, and October as autumn.

Although the days begin to shorten in July or August in the northern hemisphere and in January and February in the south, usually September or March the sun sets earlier.


Autumn Lewandowski Bio, Age, Education, Husband, Baby, WKBW

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