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Short Biography Bung Tomo
Jawaban: #1: Short Biography Bung TomoBiodata Bung Tomo
Name: Sutomo
Nickname: Bung Tomo
Date of birth: 03 October 1920
Place of Birth: Surabaya Jawa Timur
Died: Padang Arafat, Saudi Arabia
Hero Degree: National Hero since 2 November 2008.
Sutomo grew up in a middle-class family. Education is an important thing for Sutomo and his family to achieve. Sutomo personality resilient, hardworking, very high fighting power. In his young age Sutomo is active in a scouting organization or KBI. He also joined a number of political and social groups. In 1944 he was a member of the New People's Movement. Since the arrival of allies and troops of NICA in Surabaya, Bung Tomo has fought to defend Surabaya from the allies and the NICA. Bung Tomo has a strong influence among the youth and the fighters. He loudly burns the fighters' spirits to fight all-out fight against the allied forces. The fighting was triggered by the death of Brigadier General AWS Malaby in armed contact with fighters. Although the strength of the fighters is not balanced with the forces of the allied forces, but the 10 November battle is recorded as the most important event in the history of the Indonesian nation
Around the 1950s Bung Tomo began to be active in political life. He briefly served as the Minister for Armed Forces / Veterans Affairs as well as the Minister of Social Affairs Interim from 1955-1956 to the Burhanuddin Harahap cabinet. Bung Tomo has also been a member of Parliament 1956-1959 from the People's Party of Indonesia. During the New Order era, Bung Tomo criticized Soeharto's many policies which he considered began to deviate. As a result, on 11 April 1978 he was arrested and imprisoned by the Soeharto government. Though his services so great in the struggle to maintain independence. One year after being arrested by Bung Tomo, he was released and not much active in political life. Tomo Tom is known as a devout Muslim worshiper. He died while performing Hajj pilgrimage in the Arafah Makkah field on October 7, 1981.The body of Bung Tomo was brought back to the homeland and buried not in a Heroes Cemetery, but at Ngagel Public Cemetery in Surabaya.
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