Jawaban dari "Read the following telephone call conversation and identify the relation between the caller and the..."

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Kami ada 1 cara mengerjakan mengenai Read the following telephone call conversation and identify the relation between the caller and the.... Monggo pelajari jawaban selengkapnya di bawah:

Read The Following Telephone Call Conversation And Identify The Relation Between The Caller And The Receiver. Then, Analyze The Formality And The Politeness On Its Expression. (score: 30) Telephone Call 1
Hellen : Hellen Speaking. How Can I Help You?
Ryan : Hello, This Is Ryan Bardos. May I Speak With Natalie John, Please? Hellen : One Moment Please. I'll Put You Through. [customer On Hold]
Hellen : Mr. Bardos, I'm Sorry. Natalie Is At A Meeting At The Moment. Would You Like To Leave A Message?
Ryan : Yes, Could You Ask Her To Call Me Back As Soon As Possible? It's Pretty Urgent.
Hellen : Of Course. Does She Have Your Number?
Ryan : She Has My Office Number But Let Me Also Give You My Cell, It's 472 555 8901.
Hellen : Let Me Read That Back To You. 427 555 8901.
Ryan : That's Right!
Hellen : And Could You Spell Your Last Name For Me?
Ryan : B As In Boston, A, R, D As In Dog, O, S As In September.
Hellen : OK, Mr. Bardos. I'll Give Her The Message.
Ryan : Thanks A Lot. Bye!
Telephone Call 2
Jane : Hello, This Is The Sales Department. Jane Solomon Speaking.
Peter : Hello, Is Maria Fernandez There, Please?
Jane : No, I'm Sorry. She's Not In The Office At The Moment. She's On Her Lunch Break.
Peter : Oh. Could You Take A Message, Please? Could You Tell Her That Peter Griffin Called?
Jane : Sure. Could You Give Me Your Number?
Peter : It's 0-7-4-6-0 Double 9-0-1 Double 8.
Jane : Thanks. That's 0-7-4-6-0 2-9-0-1-2-8.
Peter : Sorry, No. It's 0-7-4-6-0 9-9-0-1-8-8.
Jane : 9-9-0-1-8-8.
Peter : Yes. Please Ask Her To Call Me Back, And Tell Her It's About The PXO Project. I Need The New Project Figures. Jane : The PXO Project. Right. I'll Give Her Your Message When She Comes Back To The Office.
Peter : Thank You. In Case I'm In A Meeting When She Calls Back, Can I Give You My Email Address Too?
Jane : Of Course.
Peter : Great. It's P-E-T-E-R Dot G-R-I-F-F-I-N At F-R-E-S-H Dot Com. Jane : Can I Read That Back To You? Peter : Sure.
Jane : That's P-E-T-E-R Dot G-R-I-F-F-I-N At F-R-E-S-H Dot Com.
Peter : Yes, That's It.
Jane : OK. I'll Tell Her You Called.
Peter : Thank You. Goodbye.
Jane : Goodbye.​

Jawaban: #1:


In telephone call 1, The caller, Ryan Bardos wanted to speak to someone and the telephone receiver is an accountant who worked at an office. The conversation is very polite as it is a business call to an office.

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